The KyANA PAC is a Political Action Committee formed to represent the interests of its members and CRNAs in Kentucky. The PAC is 100% fully funded by member donations.  Your involvement directly impacts the initiatives and success of the PAC, empowering you to make a meaningful difference. You can support the PAC initiatives by participating in KyANA PAC events or making a donation.  

YOU play a crucial role in shaping the future of our profession and advocating for the interests of CRNAs in Kentucky.  

Join us in championing the voice of CRNAs and securing a brighter future for the profession. Together, let's hit a grand slam and proudly showcase your commitment with the exclusive Grand Slam Lapel Pin!

MAKE A Recurring donation
Make a One-time Donation
Purchase PAC Merchandise

If you have questions regarding making a donation, contact KyANA Headquarters

The KyANA PAC was established to increase the political influence of Kentucky's CRNAs throughout the state. Since non-profit organizations like the KyANA are not permitted to engage in significant political activity and are restricted from making campaign contributions to political candidates, we established the KyANA PAC. It operates on the state level just like the National CRNA-PAC operates on the national level.

Kentucky State Law defines our practice. Those who wish to change our practice use their political influence to change state law. Without political influence of our own, we have no chance of success in preventing legislative or regulatory changes that threaten our practice. We need this influence to defeat, change, or introduce legislation that affects our practice in Kentucky. The KyANA PAC helps CRNAs elect and re-elect leaders who understand our industry and support our profession.

The KyANA PAC is funded solely through the voluntary contributions of Kentucky's CRNAs. Since funding is not mandatory, the leadership of the KyANA PAC must continuously solicit contributions. These contributions are used for political contributions.  Member dues do not go to the PAC, only your generous contributions.